Monday 11 March 2013

types of timber used by Jacksons...

and this...

Hi please can you clarify? Are there any particular wood products that you supply that are sourced in the UK? For example hazel or chestnut poles or hurdles etc?

WE only supply softwoods which are pressure treated and guaranteed for 25 years, some of which are native grown, but in the main they are from Europe.

 Definitely no hard woods, definitely not hurdles and a tiny exception is the chestnut site fencing that is cleft chestnut in a roll.

If anyone's interest Jacksons have just published the Definitive Guide to Timber Treatment.  This is in response to a lot of confusion surrounding the subject of timber treatment in some of the farming press.  We decided to set the record straight, so our customers can read in full the lengths we go to to ensure our timber is treated correctly and how this allows us to offer our unique 25 year guarantee.

click for a link to news story and a downloadable pdf.

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